Podcast · · 2 min read

The Wisdom Pyramid with Brett McCracken

With endless information at our fingertips, how can we cultivate a life of wisdom?

The Wisdom Pyramid

The Internet is a blessing, but it also presents a challenge. With endless information at our fingertips, how can we cultivate a life of wisdom? It’s one of the greatest discipleship challenges today.

Brett McCracken has created The Wisdom Pyramid to help us increase our intake of enduring, trustworthy sources (like the Bible) while moderating our consumption of less reliable sources.

Listen to the podcast below:

Key Ideas


“We’re just eating the digital version of Skittles and Doritos and doughnuts all day throughout the day. And none of it is really nutritious for us.”

“Constant distraction is a greater temptation for humans today than any generation of humans prior have faced.”

“Nature reveals his beautiful abundance. He didn’t have to create tens of thousands of species of hummingbirds, or he didn’t have to create however many hundreds of thousands of species of orchids there are in the world, but he did, and that’s just amazing.”

“Even your average faithful church-going Christian is actually being discipled more by their online habits and echo chambers.”

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