Podcast · · 2 min read

The Influential Mentor: Learning from Howard Hendricks

Howard Hendricks equipped and inspired a generation of leaders.

Howard Hendricks

Hang around me long enough, and you’ll probably hear me talk about Haddon Robinson.

Haddon Robinson was author of Biblical Preaching, one of the best books on how to prepare a sermon. He taught hundreds how to preach. He served as seminary president and professor.

But what struck me most about Haddon was his character. He was brilliant at his craft, but he was even more impressive because he was a godly and humble man.

The same could be said for another man I never had the privilege of meeting: Howard Hendricks. Hendricks taught at the same school as Haddon Robinson. He also wrote books. And he also is known as someone who shaped many lives not only through his teaching but through his life. You know when you’ve met someone who studied under Hendricks, because his name will eventually come up.

According to Maina Mwaura, author of The Influential Mentor: How the Life and Legacy of Howard Hendricks Equipped and Inspired a Generation of Leaders, Hendricks equipped and inspired a generation of leaders, including some people you’d recognize.

The Influential Mentor

Hendricks taught over 10,000 students, wrote 23 books, and enjoyed 66 years of faithful marriage.

It was my privilege to talk to Maina about the life and impact of Howard Hendricks on The Gospel for Life podcast.

You can listen to the podcast episode below, or find The Gospel for Life podcast on your favorite podcast app.

Key Ideas


“Howard didn't see himself as a brand man. He really saw himself as an ordinary man who he was asking God to use.”

“We all have weaknesses, but God really does want to use those for his good.”

“Why don't we encourage people? Why are we so slow to express appreciation to people?”

“Good mentors open doors.”

The Influential Mentor: How the Life and Legacy of Howard Hendricks Equipped and Inspired a Generation of Leaders


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