Podcast · · 2 min read

Making Time with Reagan Rose

Make time regularly for what matters most, including developing and practicing Christian life habits.

Making Time with Reagan Rose

In season two of the Gospel for Life podcast, we’ll be talking about the eight habits from my book 8 Habits for Growth.

The first habit is Make Time. The idea is to make time regularly for what matters most, including developing and practicing Christian life habits.

I spoke to Reagan Rose, the creator of Redeeming Productivity, a website and podcast that assists Christians in being more productive for God's glory. He explores productivity from a Christian perspective by using Scriptures to develop a unique Christian belief system regarding work, family, efficiency, technology, and setting goals.

You can listen to the episode below.

Key Ideas


“The most important productivity technique that we could all learn and be better at is the practice of saying no.”

“Start simple, and build from there.”

“You might not be as good as someone who is naturally more disciplined, but that doesn’t free you from the obligation to be obedient.”

“It’s not when you miss one, it’s when you miss two, and then it becomes three and four and five.”

“I have exactly the right amount of time to do what God has called me to do, and to me, that’s just so encouraging.”

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Download a PDF transcript of this episode.

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