Podcast · · 3 min read

Embodied with Dr. Gregg R. Allison

God created us as embodied beings. Our bodies play an important role in our relationship with God.


The cultural conversation of the body has morphed into a confused and controversial debate. Many Christians have adopted the dangerous, gnostic belief that our physical bodies are inherently evil.

We need to rediscover God’s design for us as embodied creatures.

In his new book, Embodied: Living as Whole People in a Fractured World, Gregg R. Allison PhD, invites us to embrace the statement, “I am my body.”

I discuss Dr. Allison's book and why it's important to understand the body's role in discipleship in this episode.

Listen to the episode below:

Key Ideas


“The foundation for our relationship with God is the fact that we are embodied. That’s the beginning point.”

“We will not be fully conformed to the image of Jesus until he returns and gives us our new glorified resurrected bodies. That is our future.”

“We are our bodies, and so we care for ourselves as embodied people.”

“We are sexed all the way down … My body always tells the truth.”

“Whenever we have the chance, we should preach and teach and disciple about embodiment. We should talk about not only spiritual disciplines, but also physical disciplines, exercise, nutrition, rest, sleep.”

“Jesus’ embodiment … screams about the importance of our embodiment.”

“Virtual relationships just don’t cut it. They’re not as they should be.”

“If you’re 35, 40 years old and you’re sprinting in Christian ministry, you will burn out after a couple of years.”

“A culture of death has settled, at least in the West, and it’s appalling.”

“I do believe obviously authors write, But I am learning that we are authors in community.”

Books mentioned:


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