Podcast · · 2 min read

Deep Discipleship with J.T. English

Discover how churches can establish environments and relationships where people can be trained, grow, and be sent as disciples.

Deep Discipleship

In his book Deep Discipleship, J.T. English helps churches think about how to establish environments and relationships where people can be trained, grow, and be sent as disciples.

Listen to the episode below:

Key Ideas


“The fact that I had to leave my local church in order to lead in the local church! … It blew my mind.”

“The disease isn’t that we’re too deep. It’s that we’re far too shallow. We need local churches who want to invite people into the depths and the richness of having a relationship with Jesus and the Triune God.”

“Being in community is not synonymous with discipleship. It is a necessary ingredient, but you can be in community of people who aren’t following Jesus.”

“If I’m giving people things that are nice but not necessary, I’m failing as a pastor.”

“If theology is what you believe about God and there’s nothing more practical, and if you can give me something more practical, then I’ll quit my job and go do that.”

“If God is using this season to, in your heart and in your life, create a greater desire and need for him, then that’s a win.”

“If our doctrine isn’t creating us to be more gentle and lowly, meek and Christ-like, then we should probably throw our doctrine away.”

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